Dhaka      Monday, 17 June, 2024

Donald Lu holds a meeting with civil society members

15 May 2024, 4:01 PM

Dhaka, Bangladesh Global: Visiting US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu held a meeting with the representatives of the civil society to discuss the country’s post-election and contemporary affairs in Dhaka on Tuesday.

The meeting was held at the Gulshan residence of the US Ambassador to Dhaka this afternoon.

Earlier in the day, Lu arrived in Dhaka on a two-day visit to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the US and Bangladesh.

Some renowned media personalities, journalists, human rights activists, labor union leaders, climate activists, and others are among the attendees at the meeting.

US Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu, Chief Office Staff Nathaniel Haft, Bureau of Intelligence and Research Analyst Sarah Aldrich, US Ambassador Peter Haas, USAID Mission Director Reed Aeschliman, Political Counselor Arturo Hines, Deputy Political and Economic Council Sharon Fitzgerald, among others, attended the meeting on behalf of the United States.

Besides, Daily Star Editor Mahfuz Aanam, labour leaders Kalpana Akhter and Babul Akhtar, climet activist Sohanur Rahman and human rights activist Nur Khan Liton also took part in the meeting.

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