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East West student critically injured in muggers' attack

03 April 2023, 12:54 PM

Dhaka, Bangladesh Global: A student of East West University was severely injured as muggers stabbed her indiscriminately in the capital's Aftabnagar area on Sunday night. The victim is Apurna Akter Iti, a student of the Pharmacy Department of the university. The incident happened at about 10:15pm at Aftabnagar B Block while Iti was returning home from Gym centre near Dhaka Imperial College.

Tanvir Kayes, classmate of the victim, said, "Three to four muggers waylaid Iti when she was returning from Gym centre. They wanted her bag, mobile and cash money. As Iti obstructed the muggers, then a scuffle ensued between them. At one stage, the gang members stabbed Iti indiscriminately, leaving her injured critically."

She was taken to Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital. Badda Police Station OC Abul kalam said they are investigating the incident.

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